ING CDC Pension Funds website

Strangelove case page equal sign

Digital brands for pension funds.

After the financial crisis, two new pension funds were established for ING Group and Nationale Nederlanden Insurances. They needed digital-first communication, aligned with a younger digital-native audience for maximum agility and sustainability in the future.

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Our brief

Both pension funds needed digital branding and websites. The mission was to create communication aligned with the Dutch communication regulation Pension123 and also include the visual relationship with the well known brands of both employers. The key criteria to include were digital-first communication, on brand design and understandable content.

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The answer

We developed two entirely new brands, both with their own brand identity and integrated digital-first communication toolkit. Both with a clear reference to the term pension. Since the introduction of the brands (in 2014), we reached an average score for internal user appreciation of 8.0, and an average score for clarity in online communication of 8.1.

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"The Strangelove team is open-minded, technology-driven and down-to-earth. A trusted partner of many years.”
Ingrid Vleeskens - (ING) CDC pensioenfonds
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What we did
  • Digital-first brand strategy

  • Corporate branding & design systems

  • Website design and development

  • Communications, campaigns & creative content


Want to know more?

Contact Jeroen

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